Joseline Hernandez Lost Primary Custody of Bonnie Bella

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It seems like Joseline Hernandez and Stevie J. have been involved in a child custody battle ever since their daughter Bonnie Bella was born in Dec. 2016. And even though Joseline accused Stevie of abandoning Bonnie in March 2019, the court wasn’t buying it.

Stevie told the court Joseline was living in Miami with some guy (her new boyfriend Ballistic Beats) and had cut him out of Bonnie Bella’s life. Stevie stated he was mentally and financially able to pay for their two-year-old daughter, and the judge agreed.

The details of Stevie J & Joseline’s custody agreement

joseline hernandez loses custody

According to Bossip, Joseline Hernandez lost custody of Bonnie Bella in Aug. 2019. A judge approved a temporary order, awarding Stevie primary physical custody of the little girl. Joseline was awarded visitation.

Due to this new custody agreement, Stevie is no longer on the hook for his $1,000 monthly child support payments. Instead, “each parent will instead have to bear the costs of support when Bonnie is in their care,” Bossip reports. This is a good thing for Stevie since Real Reality Gossip previously shared he owes over $1 million in back child support

Both Stevie and Joseline were ordered to take a parenting class before they’re due back in court in the Fall.

The status of their co-parenting relationship

joseline hernandez loses primary custody of bonnie bella

Stevie and Joseline have been playing nice in recent weeks. They even posed for a picture together with their respective partners and Bonnie Bella at Faith Evan’s concert in Philly (which is also Joseline’s boyfriend’s hometown.)

After news broke of their custody agreement, Stevie J posted a video (which Joseline later reposted), saying everything was cool between him and Joseline.

Judging by Stevie and the Puerto Rican Princess’ past history, they’ll be back to dragging each other on social media soon enough. But, for now, we’re happy that things are going smoothly between them.

2 thoughts on “Joseline Hernandez Lost Primary Custody of Bonnie Bella

  1. Joseline’s life must be really messed up if the court awarded primary physical custody to Stevie J! I hope they continue to get alone for Bonnie Bella’s sake, a child really needs both parents. Good luck guys and keep Bonnie Bella your focus!

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